An estimated 80 per cent of marine debris in the world’s oceans is made up of plastic. And sportswear giant Adidas is doing its best to tu简单来说,创业有四步:一创意、二技术、三产品、四市场。对于停留在‘创意’阶段的团队,你们的难点不在于找钱,而在于找人。”结合自身微软背景及创业经验。rn the tide on this catastrophic development by releasing a third range of products made from recycled ocean plastic.
Collaborating with Wanderlust, a yoga lifestyle brand, and Parley for the Oceans, an environmental initiative, the German brand has launched an entire range infused with recycled materials.
阿迪达斯和瑜伽生活品牌Wanderlust、环境维护组织Parley for the Oceans协作,发布了用可回收资料制造的一系列服饰。
The 42-piece collection features a wide selection of items including crop tops, bomber jackets, leggings, onesies, shorts and gym bags.
Each piece inspired by the power of the seas with graphic prints and a colour palette of muted greys, black and varying shades of blue.
Prices range between 32.95 for a crop to 59.95 for yoga pants.
“We know our community of women are extremely passionate about environmental care,“ said Alison Stewart, senior director of Adidas Womens, in a statement.
阿迪达斯女款系列总监艾莉森斯戴瓦(Alison Stewart)在声明中说:“我晓得阿迪达斯的女性客户都对环境成绩十分关注,”
“Now, in our product they can make a difference to their practice and the planet at the same time.”
Last year, Adidas also launched a selection of trainers made from ocean plastic for its UltraBoost, UltraBoost X and UltraBoost Uncaged range.
去年,阿迪达斯也发布过由陆地塑料制造的运动服系列,有UltraBoost、UltraBoost X和UltraBoost Uncaged。
Each pair was made from 11 plastic bottles and the laces, heel lining and sock covers were all made from other recycled materials.
They were such a hit that Adidas has already sold a million pairs.
In在互联网思维的影响下,传统服务业不再局限于规模效益,加强对市场的反应速度成为传统服务业发展的首要选择。在互联网思维下,通过对传统服务业的改革,为传统服务业发展创造了全新的天地。 a further bid to end pollution, the brand also traded plastic bags in its retail stores for paper ones and, as a result, is said to have eliminated almost 70 million plastic shopping bags.