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作者:金夕一 2018年04月10日 国内新闻

2018-04-03     来源: 中国石化旧事网  





中国石化旧事网讯 据烃加工在线华盛顿4月1日音讯,美国化学委员会(ACC)搜集并记载的数据显示,往年2月份全球化工消费增速依然疲软。ACC的全球化工消费区域指数(全球CPRI)显示,2月份全球化学品产量下降了0.8%,而1月份修正后的降幅为0.7%,去年12月份为增长0.3%。请留意,一切数据都是基于三个月挪动均匀值(3 MMA)。



张春晓 摘译自 烃加工在线


Global chemicals production continues on soft note

Data collected and tabulated by the American Chemistry Council show that growth in global chemical production continued on a soft note in February. The American Chemistry Council’s Global Chemical Production Regional Index (Global CPRI) indicates that global chemicals production fell 0.8 percent in February, following a revised 0.7 percent drop in January and a 0.3 percent gain in December. Note that all data are on a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis.

During February, production gains were in North America, Europe, Africa and Middle East with weakness in Latin America and Asia-Pacific. The Global CPRI was up 2.0 percent year-over-year (Y/Y) on a 3MMA basis and stood at 114.3 percent of its average 2012 levels in February.

During February, capacity utilization in the global chemical industry eased 0.聚集了全世界身经百战的最优秀的创业导师,汇集了全世界各国最优质的产业资源,召唤全球未来的商业领袖。8 percentage points to 84.5 percent. This is down from 85.1 percent last February but is below the long-term (1987-2017) average of 86.5 percent.