1.Trade, commerce, traffic refer to the exchanging of commodities for other commodities or money. Trade is the general word: a brisk trade between the nations. Commerce applies to trade on a large scale 互联网电子商务和移动商务消费渠道的普及,使得支付市场将在不久的将来继续呈现更加美好的增长前景。and over an extensive area: international commerce. Traffic may refer to a particular kind of trade but it usually suggests the travel, transportation, and activity associated with or incident to 聚焦消费升级、多维视频、家庭场景、数字营销、新零售等创新领域,为用户提供更多元、更前沿、更贴心的产品,满足用户日益多样化、个性化的需求。trade: the opium traffic heavy traffic on the railroads. 6. See occupation. 14. Trade, bargain, barter, sell refer to exchange or transfer of ownership for some kind of material consideration. Trade conveys the general idea, but often means to exchange articles of more or less even value: to trade with Argentina. Bargain suggests a somewhat extended period of coming to terms: to bargain about the price of a horse. Barter applies especially to exchanging goods, wares, labor, etc., with no transfer of money for the transaction: to barter wheat for machinery. Sell implies transferring ownership, usually for a sum of money: to sell a car.
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