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2023年02月14日 07:09


1.Because I like to play in the snow and make a snowman.因为我喜欢在雪地里玩耍和堆雪人。

2.Then we could have a snow fight and make a snowman.如果下雪我们就可以堆雪人,打雪仗。

3.I wish I can make a snowman in winter.我希望我可以在冬天堆雪人。

区别就是两者都是动词play+名词snow短语,只是play with snow多一个介词with,具体的不同如下

play with snow中文意思是玩雪

But I am happy, because I can play with snow.

play snow中文意思是进行雪上运动

Here the winter skiing in addition to providing services to tourists, it also built a snow trap, child play snow park and other projects.

现在进行时 They are making a snowman.

Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let’s go and play! I never see you anymore, come out the door, it’s like you’ve gone away. We used to be best buddies and now we’re not, I wish you would tell me why.

Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn’t have to be a snowman. Okay, bye.

Do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bike around the halls? I think some company is overdue, I started talking to, the pictures on the walls.

Hang in there, Joan! It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms, just watching the hours tick by…

Please I know you’re in there, people are asking where you’ve been. They say ‘have courage, and I’m trying to, I’m right out here for you, just let me in. We only have each other, it’s just you and me, what are we gonna do? Do you wanna build a snowman?

你可以这样说:His favorite sport is making snowmen.
