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2020年06月26日 00:00



  擦肩而过是一个汉语成语,拼音字母是 shī zhī jiāo bì,含意交臂:手臂碰手臂,指擦身而过。擦肩而过的含意描述当面错过。

  擦肩而过源于 《庄子·田子方》:“吾终生与汝交一臂而失之,并不哀与?”



  【灯谜】: 文

  【使用方法】: 作宾语、定语;描述当面错过机遇

  【英语】: just miss the person or opportunity



  She narrowly missed winning an oscar.


  Be sad, and you lose them all.


  Opportunity is rare, don't let it go when it comes.


  This one word separates me from my success.

  你与她们~ --她们不久离去。

  You've missed them-they only left a moment ago.


  The gold medal slipped from his grasp in the last momerits of the race.


  We could have flashed by one another like two pieces of cosmic dust.

  時间、地址、气温错过一点都是相互 ~。

  Time, location, weather missed a little all would each other loses it to hand over arm.


  Otherwise you might miss a great deal of happiness that is available to you right now.

  Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatnes and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.

  病症、痛苦、感情、与取得成功~ ,及其彻底的糊里糊涂犯错误,这种全是你对精神实质極限的磨练。
