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make是什么意思 make点是什么意思

2022年08月19日 07:20

This week on Ask a Teacher, we answer a reader&39;s question about two common verbs. Here it is:


Hi, I&39;m Zachary. I would like to know the difference between &34;make&34; and &34;create&34;.


How do we use them in everyday life? Thank you for your answer! -Zachary, China


Hello Zachary, On a normal day, someone may make many things, but the person may create nothing at all.


This morning, for example, I made breakfast. But, so far today, I have not created anything.


Tonight, however, I may create a recipe for dinner. The words &34;make&34; and &34;create&34; can have a few meanings.


But today we will talk about the one that is commonly confused. The verb &34;make&34; means to produce, build or prepare something – usually through common processes.


Someone can make a tasty meal, for example. But that does not mean the person used uncommon cooking methods or ingredients.


A person can work in a factory that makes vehicles or clothing. But that factory does not create these things.


Use of the verb &34;make&34; tells us that the production processes and the vehicle or clothing designs already existed. The verb &34;create&34; usually suggests newness or innovation.


Generally, it means to produce something new or to bring something into existence. &34;Create&34; often suggests that the making of a thing requires special skill or imagination,


or uncommon processes, such as a work of art or an invention. So, to create a meal would mean to invent a new dish or recipe.


To create a vehicle or piece of clothing means to design one that is different from earlier models. Collocations may be the reason some English learners find themselves unsure about whether to use &34;make&34; or &34;create&34;.


In English, some words just go together and some do not. For example, the word &34;make&34; is used in collocations such as &34;make the bed,&34; &34;make a choice&34; and &34;make noise&34;.

在英语中,有些词是连在一起的,有些则不是。例如,单词&34;make&34;会搭配一些词使用,如&34;make the bed&34;(整理床铺)、&34;make a choice&34;( 做出选择)和&34;make noise&34;(制造噪音)。

A native speaker would not say &34;create noise&34;. The word &34;create&34; is often used in collocations that involve intangible things, like in &34;create an atmosphere&34; and &34;create a playlist&34;.

一个以英语为母语的人不会说&34;create noise&34;。&34;Create&34;这个词经常在涉及无形事物的搭配中使用,比如&34;create an atmosphere&34;(创造氛围)和&34;create a playlist&34;(创建播放列表)。

And that&39;s Ask a Teacher for this week. I&39;m Alice Bryant.

