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王心凌个人资料简历 王心凌承认整容

2022年08月19日 01:04


王心凌(Cyndi Wang,1982年9月5日- ),出生于中国台湾省新竹县,毕业于台北市华冈艺术学校,中国台湾女歌手、演员。 2003年,王心凌发行首张个人专辑《Cyndi Begin》正式出道,并成为新一代“少男杀手”;2004年,主演的偶像剧《天国的嫁衣》夺得台湾年度收视冠军。2005年,发行第四张专辑《Cyndi With U》,主打歌《睫毛弯弯》红遍大江南北。2006年,主演的偶像剧《微笑PASTA》再创收视新高,成为台湾年度收视冠军。2009年,主演的偶像剧《桃花小妹》获得颇高关注。2012年,发行第九张专辑《爱不爱》,蜕变成为“情歌女神”。2013年,主演的偶像剧《幸福选择题》取得亮眼收视。2014年,发行第十张专辑《第10个王心凌》。2015年,发行第十一张专辑《敢要敢不要》。2018年,王心凌凭借第十二张专辑《CYNDILOVES2SING 爱。心凌》获得华语五大金榜年榜女冠。2020年10月,发行合唱单曲《女孩们》。2021年1月2日,在小巨蛋举办《CYNDILOVES2SING爱。心凌巡回演唱会2021旗舰版》。

Wang Xinling, Taiwan singer and actress

Sweet bishop of the four archbishops

Cyndi Wang (born September 5, 1982) is a Taiwanese singer and actress. She graduated from Taipei Huagang Art School in Taiwan, China. In 2003, Wang released her debut album Cyndi Begin and became a new generation of &34;boy killer&34;. In 2004, she starred in the idol drama &34;The Wedding Clothing of Heaven&34;, which won Taiwan&39;s annual ratings champion. Her fourth album, Cyndi With U, was released in 2005, With the title song Curving Eyelashes. In 2006, she starred in the TV drama &34;Smile Pasta&34;, which hit a new ratings record and became Taiwan&39;s annual ratings champion. In 2009, she starred in the idol drama Peach Blossoms Girl, which gained a lot of attention. In 2012, she released her ninth album &34;Love or Not&34; and became a &34;goddess of love songs&34;. In 2013, she starred in the idol drama &34;Happiness Choice&34;, which achieved impressive ratings. In 2014, she released her 10th album &34;The 10th Xinling Wang&34;. In 2015, she released her 11th album Dare, Dare, Don&39;t Dare. In 2018, Cyndiloves2sing Love Ling, her 12th album, won the Female Top Five of the Chinese Top Five Awards. In October 2020, the duet single &34;Girls&34; was released. Cyndiloves2sing Love Heart Tour Ultimate 2021 at the Little Dome on January 2, 2021.
